Brief description of grid and map file These are point matched structured O-O grids generated using ICEM These grids do not meet all the gridding guidelines but have good demonstrated solution characteristics with both CFL3D and CFD++. The major deviation with the guidelines is with the far-field being approximately 50 chordlengths away. The map file (connectivity file) is the standard form of TLNS3D multi-block grid type, it tells the boundary conditions to use, and the connectivity information among different blocks. When running CFL3D, there is a tlns3d to cfl3d conversion program to convert this map (or connectivity) file to cfl3d input file. See CFL3D user manual and TLNS3D paper by Dr. V. Vatsa. The grid format is in CFL3D standard format, available in the CFL3D User's Manual, NASA TM-1998-20844, or under the Version 5 Manual. The grid file is an unformatted 64 bit binary file of the PLOT3D multiple grid form generated on workstation or PC, it consists of number of grid zones (blocks) and their dimension size, follows by the coordinates of each grid point, block by block, written out in PLOT3D three dimensional multiple grid format. Grids sizes for both DPW-W1 and DPW-W2 Coarse grid 1.6 million Standard grid 4.2 million Fine grid 14.8 million The “fine” grids have been split to take advantage of multiple CPUs on PC Clusters. Here is the segment of code to write the grid files open (10,file='Gfile',form='system') write(10) ngrids c write(10) ((mm(j,i),j=1,3),i=1,ngrids) c do 20 ig=1,ngrids nr = mm(1,ig)*mm(2,ig)*mm(3,ig) do 10 i=1,nr x(i) = xdum(i) y(i) = ydum(i) z(i) = zdum(i) 10 continue write(10)(x(i),i=1,nr),(y(i),i=1,nr),(z(i),i=1,nr) 20 continue close(10) c where ngrids: number of blocks mm(1,n),mm(2,n),mm(3,n):I,J,K grid size in the block n, respectively x(i),y(i),z(i): x,y,z coordinates for ith point in the block Good Luck, Ed Edward N. Tinoco Technical Fellow Enabling Technology & Research Mail Code 67-LK Boeing Commercial Airplanes P.O. Box 3707 Seattle, WA 98124 USA